Looking for a healthy dinner recipes? Look no more. Here are The Belly Rules The Mind approved, family friendly dinner recipes for your next week, that are not only healthy but delicious too. Some are great for the weeknights while the other exotic ones can be enjoyed on the weekends. Typically our dinners are a mix of Indian food and food from around the globe. Some  weeks dinners are quick and easy Indian meals where and weekends are for the yummy noodles, pastas, pizzas and burgers. Other weeks we change our pattern and weeknights are the pizzas, noodles and burgers and we cook up some exotic Indian meals on the weekends. This definitely helps us enjoy flavors from around the globe along side enjoying our staple too.

Tell us what’s your dinner like? Quick and easy or fancy and exotic? What do you do to enjoy different cuisines from around the globe? We would love to hear from you. Drop in your comments below. For more healthy ideas and recipes subscribe to our email or follow us on Facebook to stay updated with all the healthy information  we share. Check out our Pinterest boards for all the healthy eating inspiration you’ll ever need. For an unending buffet of healthy photographed food, follow us on Instagram. 

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