Summer is here. Love the long & bright sunny days, which also means a lot of day time activities. For my family, summers are the busiest time of the year. There is so much going on, day trips to the museums, parks, pools, beaches, playdates and a lot of socializing. Phew!!! Ever since we moved from MD to NC, our social life has gotten so much more busier, in a good way though. I guess in a bigger city travel times are more, distances are long, and a major factor was that Dr.Mystery and I both had office jobs in totally opposite directions. The move to NC, brought us close to family, friends and a good quality of life. We are both able to spend quality time with Little A and he is close to family which plays a very important role in a child’s upbringing. Our friends here are like our extended family. Luckily Little A has a lot of friends his age group among our friends and neighbors, so to sum it all we are really happy with the move and be able to enjoy this precious times of our lives. What is most rewarding is the feeling that we are able to do so much more with him than we would have in MD.  Ufff!!! Looks like I got carried away and digressed from the blog post. So getting back to the blog post, like I was saying it’s summer here and Little A has been having a lot of playdates and outings. Sometimes he get’s so engrossed in play that I worry if he is hydrated enough. It’s not very easy to convince them to keep sipping water when they are in the middle of their play. However the one thing that truly distracts him are popsicles. He is a lover of popsicles. Last year we made so many different kind of popsicles. However this year, I made my first batch of Hydrating Electrolyte Popsicles. Yes you got it right, popsicles to keep the little ones hydrated. Ofcourse not can beat a Hydrating Electrolyte Popsicle snack in summer, who doesn’t love it. I am a lover of popsicles too. So we made some healthy popsicles for our evening snack.  Guess what??? These hydrating electrolyte popsicles are made without adding any sugar. It’s made from fresh fruits and the world’s most amazing natural beverage in the world, Coconut Water. These days, Coconut water is being marketed as a healthy beverage and there is no doubt that it is really good for you.  Afterall the main components of Coconut Water are only water  which is loaded with nutrients, low on carbs and sugar too. As per this scientific publication in the journal Molecules Coconut water

Replenishes electrolytes Keeps you hydrated Controls hypertension Anti aging and anti-cancer effects Lowers cholesterol Detoxification ability

Coconut water is known as natures own sports drink because of the electrolytes in it. In some emergency cases, coconut water has been used as an IV Hydration in remote regions. So the other day I managed to get some young green coconuts at a local store here and I just couldn’t resist buying them. I relished a couple to quench my thirst and I had two more left. So I wanted to make some popsicles out of the fresh coconut water & coconut meat. Although fresh coconut water can be very sweet and nutty in taste, I wanted add an element of color with fresh fruits. So I landed up making these hydration electrolyte popsicles. A perfect afternoon snack to cool down. These hydration electrolyte popsicles are perfect treats for kids as these are icy, colorful and really yummy. Ofcourse I don’t mind my little A begging me for more of these.  If you know of someone who would love these hydrating electrolyte popsicles or needs to be reminded to stay hydrated,  please share this post with them. 

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