Breakfast Mung Salad makes me nostalgic. Reminds me of my childhood summer holidays when I visited my grandparents. Ofcourse apart from all the love and pampering us and spoiling us, my grandma made sure we ate healthy too. She is by far the healthiest person in my family. I would attribute that to the food she ate and her lifestyle. She is always determined to stay active, and even today as she is nearing 90, she likes to cook and run her own errands and is more social media savvy than a lot of folks half her age. She is by far one of the coolest grandma’s one can ever have. So today’s recipe is a preparation she often made for breakfast. Simple easy and nutritious ‘Chuki Mung Dal’ as she called it. My toddler loves this Might Mung Breakfast. She often emphasized on the health benefits of Mung. Back home we consume a lot of whole Mung beans, sprouted mung beans and also hulled mung beans which is typically known as Yellow Mung Dal. We consume mung beans in many forms, sweet and savory, in stews, salads, strir fry’s, savory crepes, fritters, patties and pudding as well.  They are known to be one of the healthiest sources of plant protein. Source : Dr Axe

Mung beans are a high source of nutrients including: manganese, potassium, magnesium, folate, copper, zinc and various B vitamins. They are also a very filling food, high in protein, resistant starch and dietary fiber. You can find mung beans in dried powder form, as whole uncooked beans, “split-peeled” form (just like you’d find split green peas), as bean noodles, and also as sprouted seeds (which are the kind you’d see used on sandwiches or salads). Their dried seeds may be eaten raw, cooked (whole or split), fermented, or milled and ground into flour. Because of their high nutrient density, mung beans are considered useful in defending against several chronic, age-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Clinical evidence continues to show that plant-derived foods have various potential health benefits, including lowering inflammation.


Do you have a favorite recipe that is passed on to you from your grandparents. Would love to hear your comments. Products Used

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