I don’t make this Rich Creamy Soji often but I do have a delicious recipe that I created and use it from time to time.
What is this Rich Creamy Soji or Soojee as some know it
Soji is an Indian dessert made with Semolina and it is loaded with butter. So please do not eat this more than once a year….Lol! I promise I don’t make this much because as delicious at it is I think I will have a heart attack eating this butter loaded deliciousness every other day. These are the kind of sweet treats you keep for those special occasions. I do love comfort food and yes I love butter. But unfortunately we can’t always indulge in everything we love. This Rich Creamy Soji is also typically served as a dessert at Indian weddings or a religious function and therefore eggs are not added to it. Soji is a comforting dish. It’s rich and creamy with a soft texture. The texture totally depends on how you prefer it. You can add less milk and get a thicker texture or you can add more milk and have a velvety, soft texture. I prefer the latter.
What is the key ingredient to make Soji
Soji is made with Semolina which is a coarse flour made from durum wheat. Here in South Africa some of us use Taystee Wheat in our Soji, which is a breakfast porridge mix made from wheat semolina and has a smoother texture.
Addition of Saffron
I did add a pinch of Saffron to the Soji. However, I am not a fan of Saffron in my Soji. Just my personal preference. To get that yellow colour in the soji you can use a few drops of egg yellow food coloring if you choose not to add Saffron. I love the taste of the cardamom in my Soji and it’s best to roast and grind your own, nothing better than freshly ground spices. Although I did add Saffron as one of the ingredients you really don’t have to use it. A tablespoon is perfect to measure the condensed milk. The reason I do this is so I can have more control over the amount I add to the Soji. I hate anything super sweet. I think I am sweet enough…hahaha! So you can start with 6 tablespoons and just add more as you go along until it has the right amount of sweetness for you.
Rich Creamy Soji
My other favorite Indian sweet treats is Vermicelli or Rice Pudding If you loved this, please share!