Well let me tell you even home cooks can do it, I followed a recipe from this website https://www.thespruceeats.com/easy-macaron-recipe-435221, and I couldn’t have followed a more perfect recipe. The instructions were simple and just reading it already convinced me it was going to be a breeze. I halved the recipe, although I was convinced it would turn out well I wasn’t so sure about how my ancient oven would work. But my old faithful didn’t disappoint me, it helped me produce perfect macarons. I think I may have baked the Macarons a few seconds too long but apart from the colour being slightly brown everything else was perfect. My kids love Macarons and I normally spend a fortune buying them, now I can make my own and I’m determined to try every flavour I can, provided I have loads of time to spare. I also read a few tips before making my Rose Macarons because I really wanted to get this right. I found this very informative article and I’m sure it will help you too in your quest for making the perfect macaron http://misohungrynow.blogspot.com/2011/01/troubleshooting-macaron.html I didn’t have a Macaron mat as recommended, this helps in getting them all the same size, so I just created my own little template on parchment paper. I also added a 1/4 teaspoon rose essence to my mixture and a few drops to my icing with a little bit of rose syrup. You can taste to see how much you require, rose essence is concentrated so be careful not to add too much. It is also imperative that you allow your Macarons to rest for 20 minutes, it will become smooth and shiny, this allows the outer surface to harden when baked,, the air from the batter escapes from the bottom edge instead of the top and will create “feet”. Do not over mix your batter. Your egg whites must also be glossy when whipped. If you follow the recipe correctly I don’t think you will encounter many problems, correct measurements is key to making amazing Macarons. If you loved this, please share!