Looking for ideas on how to wrap or serve a Samosa. Ditch the traditional triangular puffs and get creative. Here is our collective / round up of 8 ways to serve the world renowned Samosa to your friends and family & wow them. Last week we shared with you the Easiest Ever Samosa Stuffing recipe. If you haven’t read it yet,we highly encourage you to read that post to learn more about the popular so called ‘Indian’ snack, Samosas.A lot of people reached out to us telling us that wrapping the traditional way is a challenge for them. So in our post today, we have some quick, simple and very easy ideas to enjoy fiery puffs without any complications. So take a deep breath and relax, because we are about to take you for a culinary joyride. Make sure your have some potatoes and peas handy in the house as you are surely going to want to try some of these ideas as soon as you finish reading this post. So do these ideas excite you? We can’t wait to hear which one of these will you try first? Drop in your comments below. If you have any other ideas that you would like us to include in this post, we would love to hear from you too. IF you like this post, please don’t forget to share it with your friends and family and spread some love. For more healthy ideas and recipes subscribe to our email or follow us on Facebook to stay updated with all the healthy information we share. Check out our Pinterest boards for all the healthy eating inspiration you’ll ever need. For an unending buffet of healthy photographed food, follow us on Instagram